CPC - Caspian Policy Center


Economic Freedom in the Caspian Region

Economic Freedom in the Caspian Region

With the COVID-19 pandemic having persisted over a year, the economic state of the world has shifted considerably. Working remotely has become commonplace for many; the impacts of digitalization and information technologies became even more apparent. Disruptions to global supply chains and questions about whether countries need to manufacture more at home came into international and domestic policy debates. At the same time, sound economic principles remained crucial to national well-being and prosperity. The Caspian region has been no exception to these global trends. As economies around the world emerge from the shocks produced by the pandemic, it will be important that the countries of the Caspian region, like those elsewhere, pursue sound policies as they reopen and rebuild.

            The Heritage Foundation’s Economic Freedom Index provides indications of where countries stand in terms of economic policies that encourage growth, creativity and innovation, and greater prosperity. In a discussion with the Economic Freedom index’s authors, the Caspian Policy Center will look at the results contained in this year’s report, including why countries’ places changed in the rankings and what these findings may mean as countries of the Caspian region look for post-COVID economic transition.

9:00 – 9:05 am Welcome Remarks – Efgan Nifti, Chief Executive Officer, Caspian Policy Center

9:05- 9:10 am Moderator’s Introduction – Rear Admiral (ret.) Ron MacLaren, Senior Fellow, Caspian Policy Center

9:10 – 9:30 am Opening Statements

  • Ambassador (ret.) Terry Miller, Director, Center for International Trade and Economics, The Heritage Foundation
  • Anthony Kim, Research Manager and Editor of the Index of Economic Freedom, The Heritage Foundation
  • Ambassador (ret.) Robert Cekuta, Energy and Economy Program Chair, Caspian Policy Center

9:30 – 9:55 am Discussion and Q&A

9:55 – 10:00 am Closing remarks