CPC - Caspian Policy Center


Discussion on Climate Change and Regional Connectivity

Discussion on Climate Change and Regional Connectivity


On May 16, the Caspian Policy Center (CPC) organized a discussion in collaboration with the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA Center) of the U.S. National Defense University. This event, conducted as a part of the Silk Road Future Leaders Seminar initiative led by the NESA Center, brought together young military officers, diplomats, and academics from the South Caucasus, South Asia, and Central Asia. The discussion, moderated by Roger Kangas, focused on climate change and regional connectivity in the Caspian Region. Dr. Eric Rudenshiold, Ambassador (ret.) Richard Hoagland, and Efgan Nifti addressed the unprecedented climate, water, and other policy issues facing the South Caucasus and Central Asia. The event also served as an opportunity to discuss the risks and challenges of climate change, and ways that the region can take affective action.