CPC - Caspian Policy Center


Celebrating 30 Years of U.S.- Caspian Diplomatic Relations

Celebrating 30 Years of U.S.- Caspian Diplomatic Relations

The Caspian Policy Center is proud to host 30 Years of U.S.-Caspian Relations: A Celebration to honor the 30th anniversary of partnership between the United States and the countries of the Caspian region. In coordination of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, the celebration will bring together policymakers, business leaders, and members of the academic community at the National Press Club to honor the accomplishments of U.S.-Caspian relationship over the past three decades. 

Panel 1 – Energy and Infrastructure Connectivity  

1:00 PM - 2:15 PM 


As the countries of the Caspian continue to grow and prosper, there are unique opportunities to improve energy efficiency and explore new production sources. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the desire in Europe and elsewhere to move away from Russian oil and natural gas has added a new imperative to the energy security conversation that comes on top of a growing world appetite for energy and the imperative to slash greenhouse gases and fight climate change. To examine the current and future of energy production in the Caspian region and how it fits with the emerging global energy picture, the Caspian Policy Center has invited business and government leaders with experience in the region’s unique environment to discuss what has worked well in the past 30 years and what can still be improved upon. A key aspect of this discussion will be the exciting new possibilities as the world grapples both with current needs and the imperatives of the clean energy transition and further growth in global energy demand. 


1:00 pm – 1:05 pm  

Opening Remarks 

  • Efgan Nifti, Chief Executive Officer, Caspian Policy Center 


1:05 pm – 2:10 pm  

Panel Discussion 


Moderator: Ambassador (ret.) Robert F. Cekuta, Senior Fellow, Caspian Policy Center 

  • Laura Lochman, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Diplomacy 
  • Dr. Robert Ichord, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council 
  • Robert Scher, Head of International Affairs, BP America 
  • Hisashi Inoue, Senior Representative of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Washington Office 
  • Samir Karimli, Advisor to the President of SOCAR, SOCAR 


2:10 pm – 2:15 pm  

Closing Remarks 

  • Efgan Nifti, Chief Executive Officer, Caspian Policy Center. 


Panel 2 – Agriculture and Food Security in the Caspian Region 

2:30 PM - 3:45 PM 


Agricultural production has been a staple of the Caspian region since independence, and today American high-tech agricultural firms are working with the region to develop solutions to tomorrow’s problems. The Caspian Policy Center has gathered experts in agricultural policy, business, and technology communities to explore cutting edge agricultural techniques employed across the Caspian and the new demands and rigors of food security. The panel will serve as an opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss the shared challenges of climate conscious agriculture and rising food commodity prices.  


2:30 pm – 2:50 pm 

Opening Remarks 

  • Moderator: Ambassador (ret.) Allan Mustard, Senior Fellow, Caspian Policy Center. 


2:50 pm – 3:40 pm  

Panel Discussion 


  • Moderator: Ambassador (ret.) Allan Mustard, Senior Fellow, Caspian Policy Center  
  • Emil Majidov, Advisor to the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan 
  • Elena Son, Executive Director of the AUCC, USKGZBC, USTJBC, and USABI 
  • Paul Trupo, Senior Director of Global Market Analysis, Foreign Agricultural Service 
  • Giorgi Tsikolia, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Georgia to the United States 


3:40 pm – 3:45 pm  

Closing Remarks 

  • Efgan Nifti, Chief Executive Officer, Caspian Policy Center. 


Gala Dinner – Enhancing the U.S.-Caspian Strategic Partnership 

6:00 PM -9:30 PM 


From 1991 to 2021 the United States and the Caspian region have both changed dramatically. From the beginning of the U.S.-Caspian partnership, all parties have worked together to build a safer and more prosperous world. In 1991, much like 2021, the world witnessed major geopolitical shifts. In the past the United States and the Caspian region successfully navigated the challenges and crises that emerged because of a strong and ever-growing partnership. The tests of the next thirty years will not be the same as those of the previous, but a robust relationship between the United States and the countries of the region will be of critical importance. The Caspian Policy Center will host a reception and seated dinner on Enhancing the U.S.-Caspian Strategic Partnership in celebration of its fifth anniversary as serving as an intermediary and the thirtieth anniversary of the region’s independence. 


6:00 pm – 6:30 pm  

   Welcome Reception 

  • Attendees will gather in the Ballroom for informal conversation. 


6:30 pm – 6:40 pm 

6:40 pm – 7:20 pm 

7:20 pm – 8:00 pm    



   Welcome by Efgan Nifti & CPC Video 

   Dinner Service 

   Keynote remarks  

  • Efgan Nifti introduces the speakers 
  • 7:20 – 7:30 Senior Representative from the U.S. National Security Council 
  • 7:30- 7:40 Senior Representative from the U.S. Department of State 
  • 7:40- 7:50 Senior Representative from Office of the U.S. Trade Representative 
  • 7:50- 8:00 Senior Representative from the U.S. Department of Defense 


8:00 pm – 8:45 pm 



  • Ambassador (ret.) Richard Hoagland, Senior Fellow, Caspian Policy Center 
  • Senior Representatives from the Caspian Countries 
  • Ambassador Khazar Ibrahim of Azerbaijan 
  • Ambassador David Zalkaliani of Georgia 
  • Ambassador Yerzhan Ashikbayev of Kazakhstan 
  • Ambassador Baktybek Amanbaev of Kyrgyzstan 
  • Senior Representative from Tajikistan 
  • Ambassador Meret Orazov of Turkmenistan 
  • Senior Representative from Turkey 
  • Ambassador Javlon Vakhabov of Uzbekistan 


8:45 pm – 9:00 pm 

   Continuation of Gala and Reception 

9:00 pm – 9:30 pm 

   Closing Remarks and Thank You  

  • Efgan Nifti, Chief Executive Officer, Caspian Policy Center.